Charter – Esprit de Corps

Esprit De Corps
The fraternity & co's outline
of brotherhood within
the fellowship


- The Fraternity & Co is a home for Gentlemen and those that want to live in a Gentleman's world. In theory, we all know what that means; in practise it is a little bit more complicated. Nevertheless, we expect our members to behave in a manner befitting Gentlemen.
- 2,000 Legacy and 10,000 Founding Fellows have been invited to shape the future of the modern Gentleman, from which a modern Gentleman's algorithm will emerge. This piece of proprietary software will be customised by members' influences, experiences, knowledge and style. In return, and for helping to shape the future of the modern Gentleman, each will receive founder privileges.
- The Fraternity & Co intends to create a powerful network of like-minded men, by inspiring fraternity through the development of an algorithm that promotes reputation, and rewards gentlemanliness with premium lifestyle enhancements: Gentleman's Quality of Life, Keys to London, Privy Events, Butler, Concierge and Sartorial & Product Lines.
- The Fraternity & Co intends to introduce the Gentleman's Quality of Life, defined succinctly as AN/PRDBOs (access, networking, privileges, rewards, discounts, benefits & offers), by enabling members to constantly improve and adjust their quality of life, increase their sphere of influence, and pursue self-development.
- The Fraternity & Co will provide members with the 'Keys to London' through our daily listings aimed at delivering premium services: Breakfast Club, Sir Lunch a Lot, Supper Club and Le Bon Viveur. Each category will be personalised to your taste and demands to deliver daily AN/PRDBOs throughout London and soon the world.
- The Fraternity & Co, through our Privy Events portfolio, aims to throw the best parties, pop-ups and events, on a weekly and monthly basis in London's finest, underutilised real estate – giving fellows readymade meet-ups, evenings and events specifically crafted for your consummate pleasure.
- The Fraternity & Co maintains that, as an organisation for the 21st century Gentleman, one should be entitled to 21st century ministrations. Therefore, with your help, we are developing a 21st century Butler App to provide the membership with an on-demand, personalised and context-aware information and lifestyle service.
- There are 12 leagues of Gentlemen (Houses): Merlin, King Arthur, Lancelot, Gawain, Percival, Galahad, Tristan, Aglovale, Bors, Lamorak, Kay, and Bedivere. You will be selected for one of these at random. In the spirit of bonhomie & camaraderie we urge you to establish yourself early on through participation, either via your career/a skillset, the forums, events, joining a team or just 'being yourself.
- The Fraternity & Co aims to include within its network, members who are the best-of-the-best in their field or profession. From time to time, these members will be asked to engage through a range of activities including interviews, talks, debates, videos and/or forums.
- The Fraternity & Co aims to be a global fraternity with worldwide chapters and lodges, with the aim of fostering its Esprit de Corps, and so stimulating an appetite for self-development by utilising the absolute best-in-class coaches, speakers, mentors and peer-to-peer learning.
- The Fraternity & Co - whilst open to all - notes that there should be exceptions to protect and maintain the ethos and founding character of the Network. Please, therefore, take The Charter to heart and extend your invitations accordingly; members are responsible for their invitees' erroneous behaviour.
- The Fraternity & Co, in its essence, is a network that encourages its members to debate, deliberate, inspire, learn, inform, excite and spearhead any new thoughts relative to The Charter and laws of the land, whether they be social, business, cultural, artistic or otherwise.