our story

Our Story

“In the beginning there was an idea,
we could bring back the Gentlemen”

The question was why, what for, who cared, and how?

The why was simple, to create a better life for our fellowship; a group of men with the goal for self-improvement, mindfulness, and self-awareness and our core goal 'to help each other' would ultimately benefit society.

We live in a world where bad behaviour, loucheness is celebrated and rewarded, what if good behaviour and gentlemanliness was equally rewarded - that is the basic premise behind The Fraternity & Co.

We’ve set out to create a social network to bring the gentleman back, however we did not want a league based on the past definitions of the Gentleman which we felt is outmoded but a new definition of the Gentlemen that would apply to a modern world.

We felt this could be achieved through the use of modern platform technologies and we set about writing business plans and trying to raise finance.

Our first break came from our family’s and then a visionary American backer, and close friends, without which our story would never be told.

Their extraordinary support, faith and vision has enabled us to build a stronger proposition.

In striving to create our vision, we realised we could self-finance through the ‘Legacy’ polo shirt and fulfil one of our core goals to reward the modern Gentleman, by giving equity to our Founding Fellowship and connect each other socially offline.

The Founding Fellowship is the opportunity for men who want to be Gentlemen or are Gentlemen to join us in helping to bring the age of the modern Gentleman to fruition.

“The Fraternity & Co maintains that, as an organisation for the 21st century Gentleman, one should be entitled to 21st century ministrations. Therefore, with your help, we are developing a 21st century Butler App to provide the membership with an on-demand, personalised and context-aware information and lifestyle service”